Annual Golf Tourney
Remembering Our Fallen Heroes
through our support for
This year, 2025, marks the ninth year for the event. We are happy to again be holding the event at The Club at Arrow Creek, one of Northern Nevada’s premiere country clubs.
The Club at Arrow Creek is a 36-hole Championship golf facility with two exceptional design by famed architects Arnold Palmer, Fuzzy Zoeller and John Harbottle III. Both golf courses are as striking to the eye as they are challenging to your game. Immaculate greens and fairways lie amidst desert landscape with magnificent panoramic mountain and city views forming a stunning backdrop no matter where you are on the course.
June 22nd, 2025
Check - In: 7:15a @ The Vista Room
Opening Ceremonies - 8:15a @ The Tent
Shotgun Start - 9:00a

The Format is a 4-Person Scramble
(no handicap needed)
2-Man Shamble
Golf Winning Teams
1st Place -TBD
2nd Place- TBD
Poker Run Winners
1st Place : $400
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100
Closest to the Pin
Entry Fee per Golfer - $165.00
Tee Package – Shirts, Hat, Golf Balls and snacks
Poker Run - $20.00 for a chance to win CASH!
Raffle Tickets - $20.00 for 25 raffle tickets
Closest to the Pin - $10.00 for a chance to win $100
Mulligans - $20.00 per team for 5 Mulligans available for
purchase at check-in the day of the tourney
Auction & Raffle Items will be available!
Would you like to sponsor our event? Email tony@nevadans4vets.org
Men's Tees: Redtail (6,451/69.1/130)
Ladies' Tees: Sun (5,556/70.9/130)